Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Graffiti or Street Art?

Okinawa is quite beautiful this time of year...or everyday for that matter. And there's one thing that stands out, the street art or graffiti. Whichever, regardless I'll be doing a series on these and have a master portfolio on http://flic.kr/ps/8J1JU as I build a library, so be sure to view the set once you find it up.

Graffiti - writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place.    As per the online Oxford Dictionary. There seems to be a distinct line drawn between Street Art and Graffiti, with Street Art as everything else BUT graffiti, but once you see some of these, how are they not art?

There's obviously talent, composition, a statement being made.

I will shoot as much as I can, geotagging while I'm at it. There are a few obvious artists around the island that have made their mark.

So, the debate is over art? or not? Some are primitive while others are incredibly elaborate, and placement based on seclusion or high-traffic. The time and effort put into these is stunning for some of the ones I have coming up, so stay tuned!

Oh yeah, and if you see this:
Pterois sp. (Lionfish)
DON'T touch!!

Pick up your trash, and leave bubbles!!

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